Pam's Intercessions for Trinity 20, Sunday October 13th 2024

Intercessions 13th October 2024



Heavenly Father, we ask that you are with us this morning as we pray together, sharing our thanks and concerns in the silence………….

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer







As the days shorten, the frost creeps in, and ploughing begins again, we thank you for our food and for those who produce it. We thank you for their work, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide us with life and health. Keep us mindful of their difficulties in the face of demands for ever cheaper food. We hold to you those who don’t have enough to eat, who, through war or poor climate or poor soil struggle to feed themselves and their families. Here in Cornwall we thank you for foodbanks and the efforts being made not to waste food. We ask your blessing on charities which work for alleviate hunger such as Oxfam International and the United Nations Food Programme.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


Father, every day we see and hear evidence of nations waging war against their neighbours, seeming happy to sacrifice those who make up their own future as well as those of their so-called enemies. We can feel helpless in the face of the sights and sounds relayed to us by television and other media. Lord, hear our prayers for peace, for the ending of tension, aggression and violence and the ending of spending money on arms, which could be used to sustain peaceful and productive life. In particular, we hold before you the countries of the Middle East and pray that their long-held anger with one another can be overcome. Strengthen our faith, helping us not to be bowed down by the misery we see but able to see good in the world and in people around us. Enable us to live out our lives with you beside us, being loving and generous in whatever way we can, making even tiny differences in our world.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer.


We pray for good government in our own country and throughout the world. We pray that leaders can be strong but not oppressive and that democracy can triumph over repressive regimes. We lift to you those countries in the world where people have no freedom and pray that the time will come when they have no fear of repression, with leaders whom they can trust. Heavenly Father we pray for political prisoners and ask your blessing on the charity Amnesty International

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


We pray for the well-being of His Majesty the King as Head of our church and for all clergy leaders. We pray for the ability to listen to congregations finding dramatic change difficult. Especially we pray for the clergy of our benefice and for those who lead our services here. Bless their work Heavenly Father, ever deepen their faith, and give them energy to work as they do in leading us along that path where you walk, enabling our own faith to deepen. As the coming of Reverend Caroline draws near, we pray for her in her mission to our churches. We ask your blessing on her and her family as she waits to settle in her new home.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


We pray for our church community and for the community life of this village. We offer our thanks for all who contribute to church life without attending services. Hold the school, its’ teachers and precious children in your hands Lord. Our prayers are for all communities, for the fellowship and care given to one another.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


Heavenly Father we bring to you all who suffer in body, in mind or in spirit. We prayer for Shirley waiting for an operation.                                                                                                                     As the weather becomes colder, we pray for the homeless who live on the streets. We thank you for the work of St Petroc’s and Shelter, with all they do  to bring comfort and relief to those whose lives are so blighted, they cannot live in settled accommodation. In a moment’s silence we bring to you those we know who are ill, bereaved or suffering in any way, remembering especially all who have lost their homes and possessions to flooding here, and those who have lost their home, even their lives, in the extreme weather of the past week in so many parts of the world (Silence)……………………………

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer


Heavenly Father, father to us all, we remember with love all who have died recently, those known to us and those known only to you. Remembering the four UN peacekeeping soldiers killed in Lebanon this week. We pray that they are past the storms of life, resting now in everlasting light.


May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Almighty God and everlasting Father, in this time of morning mist and icings of frost, be by our side in the week ahead, on the road, in routine and the humdrum, in interest and excitement, in times of trouble, of worry and in times of peace. May all we say and do be in your name.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen







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