'Reflections on Giving and Ways to Give for Everybody'
‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ 2 Corinthians 9.7
Giving is an essential part of our calling. There is no shortage of biblical material on giving, with over 2,300 verses in the Bible on money, wealth and possessions. Jesus talked about it frequently, and over one-third of his parables relate to these topics. This material suggests generous giving should be:
a priority – assessed in relation to all of our income, and not simply the spare change after all other needs have been satisfied. (e.g. Deut 26.2-3, 1 Cor 16.2, 2 Cor 8.5);
prayerful – an act of worship and thanksgiving. (e.g. 1 Chron 29.10-14);
planned – but not prescriptive, and allowing spontaneous generosity. (e.g. 2 Cor 9.7);
proportionate – a realistic proportion of our income. (e.g. 1 Cor 16.2, 2 Cor 8.11-13);
given in community – both for the needs of others, and given with others for a common purpose. (e.g. Acts 2.42-47, 2 Cor 8.13,14). The act of giving shifts our focus from individual wants to a communal need, demonstrating solidarity with the poor and a commitment to working together in mission;
cheerfully and joyfully given – whether giving of money, time or hospitality, we give with grace from the heart, as an offering to God. (e.g. 2 Cor 9.7,8)
The scope of Christian giving is not just financial giving but how we use the money, time, talents and possessions God has entrusted to us. Generous giving should become second nature to us, and as it becomes so, our living and our giving are transformed to start to resemble the overflowing generosity of God. This is Ê»Giving for Life.’
Ladock is fortunate to have a thriving Parish Church. Thanks largely to the work and dedication of the late Geoffrey Holborow, facilities have been improved enormously over the last three years: we now have an internal toilet, a modern kitchen and a ringing chamber that is the envy of bell-ringers throughout the county. Those involved with the Church are keen to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of what we can offer on a secular as well as a religious level: it is an ideal venue in which to bring villagers and community groups together for concerts and meetings.
Helping the wider community both financially and in kind are essential to our work. Our Annual Report shows what we have achieved in this respect.
We know that many people in the village value having an open and active Church in their midst, even if they are not regular worshippers themselves: it would be sorely missed if ever it had to close. The generosity of parishioners both past and present means that this is most unlikely to occur, but we want to ensure that it remains the case by asking for support from the wider community. Whether you join us for special seasonal services during the year, visit the church as individuals to appreciate the peace and beauty of the surroundings or simply value having a beautiful building as a backcloth to our village, you might like the opportunity to contribute to this essential part of the fabric of our community.
Ways of Giving
Gift Aid is a scheme enabling churches and charities to reclaim tax paid by a donor on eligible donations, the most important being that the donor must be a taxpayer. Through Gift Aid you can increase every eligible donation by 25% (25p on every £1 donated) at no extra cost to either the donor or your church. Let’s say you pay basic-rate tax and you take £10 from your pocket and put it in your church’s collection plate. You paid £2.50 tax on that £10 - you earned £12.50 which was taxed at 20% leaving you with £10 after-tax income. If you gift aid your donation of £10, your church can reclaim that £2.50 tax from HMRC and add it to your donation. Thus for every £10 you give to your church, your church gets £12.50; £10 from you and £2.50 from the taxman.
Ladock is a participant in the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS). This allows churches to claim a Gift Aid style payment on small cash donations of £20 or less up to a threshold of £8,000 of donated income per tax year per Church from April 2016.This means that any cash contributions to our collections of £20 or less are eligible for Gift Aid, irrespective of the tax status of the donor.
We have access to a national donation system, The Parish Giving Scheme. This is a centrally run, professional system that offers a simple way for people to make regular donations to their parishes through use of the direct debit system. There is no minimum amount or frequency. Through the use of this system we will be able to ensure that your donations are used for general expenses and maintenance if you express that preference when signing up. Donations can be made anonymously if you prefer.
Legacies are a lifeline for our parishes. Each year around 5,000 people leave a gift in their will to a Church of England parish. In total, parishes receive around £50 million in legacy gifts each year – gifts to finance mission projects, maintain beautiful church buildings and grow faithful communities.
For many people, leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God. It is also a way to make a lasting difference to the future of their church and community.
All donations can be made electronically through the BACS system. In the first instance please contact our Treasurer, Jeremy Sharp on 07816 317180 or by email: treworyan@btinternet.com. He will be pleased to provide further information and any forms that are required. All conversations and correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Our bank details are:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30 97 28
Account Number: 00560934
Account Name: PCC of Ladock – Church
Please include a suitable reference.