Our Coronation celebration started with the ringing of the bells on the morning of Saturday 6 May.
Much of the Coronation itself, later that morning, was based on the service of Holy Communion that is celebrated every week up and down the land. By adapting our own Sunday service slightly, we were able to replicate much of what we watched on our screens the previous day, but in a way that brought home its true significance for us all. Our Church was beautifully decorated for the occasion, with flower arrangements rivalling some of those we enjoyed at the flower festival last year. The hymns were chosen from each of the four countries that make up the UK and of course we finished with God Save the King as well as a loyal toast to their Majesties. The service was taken by the Reverend Linda Whetter, the prayers were read by Shirley Soper and the lesson was read by Jeremy Sharp. The collection was in aid of one of the King's charities, the Prince's Trust. Our thanks are due to the flower arrangers, the choir, organist and everyone who helped organise such a successful and happy occasion. Jeremy Sharp, Churchwarden.