Pam's Intercessions for Sunday, 5th May 2024

Intercessions 5th May 2024


Heavenly Father, we pray that you are with us this morning as we meet in our spiritual home of St. Ladoca church, remembering all who have walked the church path before us and the heritage of prayer which lives in this place.

As we look back at the past week, we remember the pleasures and the trials and thank you for walking beside us wherever we found ourselves.

Looking at the beauty of Spring around us, we thank you for the gifts of Nature: the birds and wild animals, the vivid green of grass and trees, the colour of flowers and we ask your blessing on those who cannot see these treasures or hear the birdsong. We pray for all who live in parts of the world where man has caused damage to the environment and the lives of those who live there.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

We pray for the world, thanking you for its’ diversity of peoples and landscape. We ask your blessing on places where living in peace with brothers and sisters is difficult or impossible. We pray against war and violence, praying for all victims, wherever they are. We pray for a ceasefire in Ukraine, in Gaza and all areas of armed conflict. Pour the Holy Spirit on troubled places, give strength and courage to leaders of integrity. Open their eyes to the need for ruling with wisdom, fairness that generosity of spirit which leads to lasting peace.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Lord we bring before you the church and its clergy. We pray for the clergy who lead our church nationally.  In this diocese, we pray for understanding, for patience and a willingness to listen. We continue to pray for healing for His Majesty the King, the Head of our church. In our benefice, as the position of Priest in Charge is advertised, we pray that you will send the right person to lead and grow our churches. Give strength to our clergy, Linda, Pat and Paul as they lead our worship week by week. We bring to you with thanks the retired clergy who continue in your service, leading us to recognition that you have chosen us all to walk with you.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

For communities of all kinds, we pray for cohesion and fruitfulness. We thank you for acts of kindness and the joy of belonging. We pray for all who are friendless and lonely, for the charity Age UK, for the British Legion, and all organisations which work to create community ties. We pray for church projects which bring the love of God to others. Father, we ask your blessing on those who lead our Children’s Church, for the wonderful work they do in bringing Jesus to life in St Ladoca’s children, which enriches our church life here, where we aren’t servants of Christ but His friends.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

Merciful father, we bring before you today all who are suffering – physically, mentally or in spirit. We bring to you all in hospital, hospices, care homes, prisons and places of danger, asking that you bring relief of pain, fear or despair. We thank you for all who relieve suffering by their work and carers at home. We pray for the bereaved, children in care, for people who have no home. May we be generous in support of everyone whose needs are greater than our own. In a moment’s silence, we pray for Nessa and Graham and their family, for the family of Daniel Anjorin killed this week in Hainault and for those known to us who need our prayers. 

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

This morning, we pray for all who have died recently, remembering especially Peter Vian and 14 year old Daniel Anjorin and those whose anniversary falls this week. We pray Lord that their earthly fellowship now ended, they have life in fellowship with you. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

An adapted prayer  from an unknown source:

At times Heavenly Father, we feel so very ordinary

We know ourselves to be lacking, perhaps belittled.

We have become too small to handle the big issues

And too insignificant to make a contribution.

Perhaps no-one is interested in us, no-one takes us seriously . 

And then, we remember Jesus

Who thinks we are so special,

So unique and utterly precious, that

He stretched wide his arms and broke death

For us.

May we, who are so loved by Christ

Never cease to cherish others –

So that they too can grow and deepen

Into the loveliness of God. Amen


“Love one another” He said, “as I have loved you.”

With the help of God, may we go now and bear fruit. He is risen indeed.


Merciful Father

Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.




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