Intercessions 19th January 2025
Heavenly Father, be with us this morning, as we pray as a church community, not knowing what this new year will bring.
We give you thanks for all the wonders of Christmas, the knowledge that you came on earth among us…. to know our joys, our trials and tribulations. We thank you for the love of family and friends and the many blessings you give us. Make us a generous people, remembering all who have little and make us ready to give to those who are less fortunate than ourselves in any way.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord the world is full of trouble, trials of every kind, and war. We pray fervently for peace, between countries, peoples, different religious faiths and within families. We pray for the healing of old wounds, and for the will to live without recourse to violence.
We pray for governments, world leaders including our own and all in positions of power. Give them patience, tolerance, understanding, and the ability to put themselves in another’s place.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We offer prayers for the area where we live, for all who make up the patchwork of life. Praying for farmers and small businesses with the difficulties they face, praying for schools, colleges and other places of learning, for clubs and places of leisure. Give them wise leaders and bless those activities which sustain a healthy society.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Lord we pray for our King as head of the Church. We offer prayers for all who lead the Church, thinking of those responsible for appointing a new Archbishop of Canterbury. Give them wisdom, discernment and strength as they look for the person to see the way forward from the mistakes of the past. We pray for Bishop David Williams as he prepares to become Bishop of Truro in the Spring, thanking you for his long experience as a parish priest. In our own church we pray for the clergy who lead us: Caroline, Linda and Pat. Keep them strong in their faith and may the Holy Spirit give them the strength and energy to do your work here with us, guiding us to an ever better understanding of your will for us. We pray for all who work for this church, maintaining our services and this place of prayer.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
As we are here clothed and fed, we remember and pray for the homeless and hungry, the victims of neglect and violence, the cold and lonely. Father, we pray for all in need of sustenance and your love. Through the Holy Spirit, make us channels of that love, supporting the charities who work so hard to help the helpless. Keep our eyes and our hearts open, ready to share what we have.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Heavenly Father we thank you for what health we have and pray for the sick….. in body, mind or spirit , for all who care for them, for their families and friends and for those who deal with their illness alone. We pray that you are with them, relieving pain in mind and body, giving them strength and peace.
In a moment’s silence, we remember today all bereaved families, especially praying for the family of Margaret Cock
This morning, we pray for all who have lost their homes in the fires of Los Angeles and for the safety of the city’s fire fighters.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We remember those who have died recently. We pray for the soul of Margaret Cock and all known only to you, thanking you for their lives and praying that they are now resting in everlasting light.
May they rest in peace and rise in glory
Lord God our Heavenly Father, you have called each one of us by name, we are precious in your sight and we should not be afraid. Baptise us with your Holy Spirit as your Son was baptized. Keep us strong, knowing that you are with us, whatever life brings.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.