Notices for Trinity 20, Sunday 13th October 2024

Ladock Church Notices for 13 October, Trinity 20.


This Sunday’s service of Holy Communion at 11.00 am will be taken by Canon Pat Robson.


Calendar for the week ahead

Monday 14 October: Bible Study, Oxturn House,11.00; School Assembly 2.30 pm

Tuesday 15 October: Morning Prayer 9.00 am

Wednesday 16 October: Ringers’ practice, evening.

Thursday 17 October: Choir practice, 10.00 – 12.00.

Friday 18 October: School Assembly 2.30 pm

Saturday 19 October:

Sunday 20 October: Holy Communion 11.00 am, to be taken by Canon Pat Robson. The Choir will be singing.


The Church is open for private prayer every day during daylight hours.


Church Duties this week

OT Reading: S Soper, Amos 5. 6-7, 10-15

NT Reading: E Bosley, Hebrews 1. 1-4; 2. 5-12

Offertory: P Dodd

Intercessions: M Tickle


Macmillan Coffee Morning, 5 October

Thank you all so much for supporting the Macmillan Coffee Morning last Saturday.  We are pleased to say that we were able to donate £275 to this vital charity.  Thank you to everyone who baked cakes, donated books, helped to set up and clear away, wash up and help in the kitchen…and for giving so generously.   Jenny


Harvest Festival, 6 October

Our Harvest Festival took place in truly biblical conditions last Sunday. The Church looked beautiful (see photos below and on the website) and was full, in spite of the awful weather outside. At least £270 was raised in the collection and the lunch after the service for RABI and the Truro Foodbank, as well as a much-appreciated quantity of food, which was also sent to the Foodbank. We are very grateful to all who helped decorate the Church and who made the effort to attend.




Bible Study Classes with Pat

STARTING 11.00 am 14 OCTOBER, the Hasmoneans, King Herod, Roman rule and Jesus' ministry in Galilee. (6-7 weeks).

STARTING JANUARY, Jesus' last week. His crucifixion and resurrection. The Acts of the Apostles, the letters of Paul and the stories of the Apostles' ministry. (7 weeks)

Exact arrangements will be available nearer the time.


Some Future Dates

Tuesday 5 November: Licensing of Reverend Caroline Husband, 7.00 pm at Probus.

Sunday 10 November: Remembrance Sunday Act of Remembrance and Service 10.50 am.

Sunday 15 December: Carol Service, 6.00 pm.



Rev’d Linda Whetter 

01872 530265                        



Joe Sharp


07816 317180



Shirley Soper

Safeguarding Officer

01726 882697


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