Notices for Sundays 22nd & 29th December 2024

Ladock Church Notices for 22 and 29 December, Third Sunday in Advent and First Sunday after Christmas.

The morning service on 22 December is the crib service at 11.00 for young and old, to be taken by Canon Pat Robson. She will be assisted by the children and some adult ‘volunteers’. We will be singing well known carols and of course everyone is welcome to participate, whatever their age. An opportunity to view the Christmas Tree festival beforehand and afterwards before it closes.


There is also a service of Evensong at 6.00 pm, to be taken by Reverend Linda.










Calendar until 5 January

Monday 23 December:

Tuesday 24 December, Christmas Eve: NO MORNING PRAYER. Midnight Mass 11.30 pm, taken by Reverend Linda.

Wednesday 25 December: Family Communion, 11.00 am, taken by Reverend Caroline.

Thursday 26 December:

Friday 27 December:

Saturday 28 December:

Sunday 29 December: Team Service of Holy Communion at Probus, 10.00 am. ‘Together @10’.


Tuesday 31 December: NO MORNING PRAYER


Sunday 5 January, Epiphany and Ladock Feast: Holy Communion 11.00 am, taken by Canon Pat Robson. The choir will be singing. There will be a bring and share lunch immediately after the service


The Church will be open for private prayer every day during daylight hours.


Church Duties for Evensong, 22 December

OT Reader: R Truscott, Micha 5. 2-5a

NT Reader:  J Sharp, Luke 1, 39 – 45


The Carol Service

It was heartening to see the church full at the carol service last Sunday. We owe a huge debt to the organisers, the readers, ringers and choir, all of whom worked so hard to ensure that the Christmas season started in such a memorable way. In particular we need to thank Margaret Edwards the choir leader and Michael Teague the organist, as well as Nessa Morcom, Janet Lawer and Jenny Thomas who were responsible for the mince pies and the raffle afterwards. Of course the raffle could not have taken place without prizes: thanks to everyone who contributed to these: I understand that the cake had been baked by our former Chief Constable, Shaun Sawyer. The collection and raffle raised a much  needed £431 for St Petroc’s Society.


A very happy Christmas to One and All,






Reverend Caroline Husband

01726 337730



Rev’d Linda Whetter 

01872 530265                        



Joe Sharp


07816 317180



Shirley Soper

Safeguarding Officer

01726 882697


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