Ladock Church Notices for 23 February, Second Sunday before Lent
This week’s Sunday service of Holy Communion at 11.00 am will be taken by Canon Pat Robson. Pat will also be taking the service of Evensong at 6.00 pm
Calendar for the week ahead
Monday 24 February: Bible Study Group meets at Oxturn House, 10.45 for 11.00. School Assembly 2.30 pm
Tuesday 25 February: Morning Prayer 9.00 am.
Wednesday 26 February:
Thursday 27 February: Choir Practice 10.00 -12.00, Power supply may be cut during the day
Friday 28 February: School Assembly 2.30 pm
Saturday 1 March: Coffee Morning in the Hall, 10.00 – 12.00
Sunday 2 March: Holy Communion 11.00 am, to be taken by Reverend Linda. The choir will be singing.
The Church is open for private prayer every day during daylight hours.
Church Duties this week
OT Reading: B Holt, Genesis 2: 4b-9, 15-end
NT Reading: A-M Marshall, Revelation 4.
Intercessions: Clergy
Offertory: TBA
Coffee: Sheila and Jacqui
OT Reading: F Gibbins, Genesis 2: 4b-9, 15-end
NT Reading: R Truscott, Luke 8: 22-25
Church Lent Clean
We will be spring cleaning the inside of the Church in readiness for Mothering Sunday and Easter on Saturday 15 March from 10.00 – 12.30. Please do come and lend a hand, bringing any cleaning equipment you have. Pasties will be served at 12.30. Call or email Joe Sharp to indicate availability and to place your order (details below).
Ladock Church Electoral Roll
2025 is the year during which we make a new Electoral Roll at the Church. Being included on the Roll is simply a way in which you are counted as a part of our Church at Ladock. It does not commit you taking on any responsibilities, but you do need to be on it to be able to serve on the PCC.
Everyone who is on the current Electoral Roll has been contacted individually to ask if they would like to re-join, but if you would like to be included on the new Roll for the first time or have any questions, please contact Barbara Holt on 01726 884248 or Application forms are available in the Church. Completed forms should be returned to us via the email address on the form, or handed in after services by 2 March.
Some other future dates
21 March: Rhos Keur Concert from 7.00 pm (see poster)
22 March: Preparing for your Marriage Day in Church, 10.00 – 4.00
23 March: Annual Parochial Church Meeting after morning service, followed by bring and share lunch.
30 March: Mothering Sunday service 11.00 am
Reverend Caroline Husband Joe Sharp, Churchwarden
01726 337730 07816 317180
Email: Email:
Rev’d Linda Whetter Shirley Soper, Safeguarding Officer
01872 530265 01726 882697
Email: Email: