2025 is the year during which we make a new Electoral Roll at the Church. Being included on the Roll is simply a way in which you are counted as a part of our Church at Ladock. It does not commit you taking on any responsibilities, but you do need to be on it to be able to serve on the PCC. Contrary to what some believe it does not affect our financial commitment to the Diocese. We are now contacting everyone who is on our email list to offer the opportunity to rejoin, or join for the first time if that applies to you.
You can access an application form using this link: Electoral Roll Form
Please can you print, complete and return it to the Electoral Roll Officer:
Mrs B Holt, Oxturn House, Ladock TR2 4NQ, by 8 March 2025.
Alternatively it can be handed in after any Sunday service up to and including 8 March 2025.
Note: The form may, if desired, be completed & signed electronically and submitted by email to admin@ladockchurch.org.uk
If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Holt 01726 884248 or oxturnhouse@hotmail.com by 9 February. Application forms will be available in the Church during February.
Thank you for all your support in the past, however given; I hope that we can count on it in the future too.
With our best wishes,
Joe Sharp
Churchwarden, Ladock PCC
Mobile: 07816 317180
Email: churchwarden2@