What's On in October 2024

What's on in October?



Saturday, 5th October 10.00 - noon: Macmillan Coffee morning in Ladock Community Hall 

Saturday, 5th October 10.30 - noon: The church will be decorated for the Harvest service, so please spare a few minutes to come and help make it look beautiful.Everyuone is welcome -  many hands make light work! Also all donations of flowers, vegetables, eggs, jams, pickles, indeed produce of any kind, perishable and non perishable, will be gratefully accepted and can be left in the porch or church.  

Sunday, 6th October 11.00 am:  Ladock Harvest Festival. The service will be followed by a bring and share lunch to which everyone is invited and welcome. If you have never been to one of these lunches please do come and enjoy what is always a feast fit for a king - and great fun! Following the service all non-perishable food items will be taken to the Truro Food Bank. The cash collection and the proceeds from the auction of produce will be split between RABI and the Truro Food Bank.



Mondays starting 14th October 11am: Bible Study Sessions with Pat at Oxturn House, the Hasmoneans, King Herod, Roman rule and Jesus' ministry in Galilee. (6-7 weeks)



Looking Forward to November.....

Saturday, 2nd November 10.00 - noon: Coffee morning in Ladock Community Hall

Tuesday, 5th November: Licensing of Reverend Caroline Husband, details TBA

Sunday, 10th November 10.50am: Remembrance Sunday Service preceded by an Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial


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