The Bells of St Ladoca

The Bells of St Ladoca


If you live in the village you’ve heard them—the bells of our Parish Church. Ladock is fortunate indeed to have an excellent team of volunteer ringers—'the band’—practicing this centuries-old tradition of making music from the belfry. To my ears, it is among the most beautiful and characteristics sounds of life in England. And, as one of the band’s newest members, it’s a privilege for me to be learning this ancient art.

Have you noticed recently, though, that the bells sound a bit diminished? Two of our bells can no longer be rung. The other six are headed for the same silence, too, if urgent repairs are not undertaken. It’s not surprising, really, since it’s been more than a hundred years since our ‘ring’ of eight bells was last serviced properly. Taylor’s of Loughborough—bellfounders and bellhangers who trace their roots to the 14th century—performed the work on our bells a century ago, and they were recently invited to return to give an updated opinion. Their verdict: the bells and the frame that supports them must be repaired, recast or renewed if we are to continue to hear the lovely peals we cherish. Personally, the distinctive music of the bells was one of the things Denise and I loved about the village when we arrived a few years ago.

Further details about the critical need for investing in this work will be available soon from ‘Tower Captain’ Jonathan Young, who will lead this project. Also watch the Ladock News and Parish Community Facebook page for more information.

Should you feel moved to make a gift towards the project at this time, relevant bank details are: Account name: PCC of Ladock - Bell Ringers; Sort code: 30-90-09; Acct. No: 47309468.


Ted Bosley



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