Ladock News October 2024 - Messages from our Churchwarden

Ladock News, October 2024


Our New Priest in Charge

We are all looking forward to welcoming Reverend Caroline Husband and husband Cliff to our parish community. They will be returning to Cornwall during October, hopefully settling in before Caroline’s Licencing service at Probus, provisionally scheduled for 5 November (Full details next month).  Caroline will be working closely with our much-valued existing clergy, Linda and Pat, getting to know the parishes in the enlarged benefice over the next few months.


Our planned services and other events for September are:

5 October: Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan in the Hall, 10.00 – 12.00, decorating of Church 10.30 – 1.00 (See below).

6 October: Harvest Festival, sale of produce and bring and share lunch, 11.00. (See below)

13 October Holy Communion 11.00 am

20 October: Holy Communion 11.00 am with Choir

27 October: Holy Communion 11.00 am 

27 October: Evensong 6.00 pm


 There is a short service of Morning Prayer every Tuesday at 9.00 am.


The Church is open for private prayer every day, including weekends.


Please note that full details of online services and other events are on our website, Ladock Church is also on Facebook.


Coffee Mornings in the Hall

The next coffee morning will take place on Saturday 5 October.  Coffee, cake and Chat at Ladock Community Hall 10-12. A time when we can all get together. Offers of help, cooking, hosting and furniture moving are always most welcome.



Harvest 2024

Harvest is such a wonderful time of year when everyone is invited to come together to say thank you for all the gifts we have been freely given. This year Harvest is celebrated on Sunday 6th of October. Following the Harvest service at 11.00 am there will be a bring and share lunch: a time for everyone to get together so please do come along. On the Saturday 5th October, getting ready for harvest is a time for everyone to bring along harvest fare to the church and arrange it as they see fit. If you enjoy flower arranging please do come along and put your flowers in water for all to see and smell. Decorating from 10.30 am - 1pm. Everyone most welcome. Following the service all non-perishable food items will be taken to the Truro Food Bank. The cash collection and the proceeds from the auction of produce will be split between RABI and the Truro Food Bank.







Hilary Keam RIP

The celebrated Cornish Bard, Hilary Keam died on 25 August. She was a great supporter and friend of Ladock Church, supervising the Choir for many years, ringing the bells and on occasion, holding fund raising events at which she would read some of her wonderful poetry. Latterly, in spite of ill health, she and Dennis would brave the cold and dark to attend the Carol Service. The church was full to bursting on 16 September when a congregation of 200 gathered for a service of thanksgiving for her life. The Reverend Linda Whetter read the eulogy and some poems, including Hilary’s own ‘Harry’s Pill’. The service ended with a tremendous rendition of ‘Trelawny’, just as Hilary requested.


Hilary’s Bardic title was ‘Degor Hwarth’ or ‘Bringer of Laughter’ and she will always be remembered as such. With this in mind and as a tribute, we reproduce ‘Harry’s Pill’ below.


Harry’s Pill@@@@


Please allow us to keep in touch

We are so pleased that the Ladock News is being published still. However, if you would like to receive information direct from Ladock Church and don’t receive our weekly Notices, please contact Jeremy Sharp, using the email address or phone number below.



Contact Details

Rev’d Linda Whetter                                                      

01872 530265                                                                  



Jeremy Sharp (Churchwarden)                                Shirley Soper (Safeguarding)

07816 317180                                                                    01726 882697

Email:        Email:










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