Ladock News, March 2025
A Message from Scott Hall
Lent begins the day after Shrove Tuesday, better known as pancake day. This year it falls on 5 March, coinciding with St Piran’s Day. It remembers Jesus’s 40 days in the wilderness, by himself and trusting in God his father. As a result, it is traditionally a time when we consider giving up something or making a sacrifice, these days often food related.
Whilst Lent has been turned into a season of trimming excess and giving up those goodies, we do so often miss some important messages that it can us teach about our own humanity through the temptations Jesus faced. Jesus was tempted to turn rocks into bread, in other words he was tempted to rely on his own independent provision of food. It reminds us of our own attempts to live independently of others in our attitudes and values.
The second temptation involved performing a miracle that would show off Christ’s supernatural power and draw attention to Himself. It was the temptation to abuse His power for His own benefit. In the third test, Jesus was tempted to secure an earthly crown and bypass the suffering and sacrifice He would endure on the cross. It reminds us that what seems like a better plan, or an easy way out is not always the case: indeed the message of the world is too often to take the easy option.
This Lent, if we are considering give something up, then Jesus ‘s pushback against the temptations he faced are a good place to start. We could give up always trusting in the idea that we can do everything independently, that our thoughts, feelings and ‘truths’ are the centre of everything. We could learn, listen and live interdependently with each other and with Jesus. We could try not to seek any sort of power for our own ends and seek power on behalf of others, looking to Jesus as a role model as he humbly served others. We could try giving up taking the easy option and be ready to sometimes take the road Jesus travelled, trusting in Him in a new way.
Our planned services and other events in March are:
Saturday 1 March: Coffee morning in Ladock Community Hall, 10.00 – 12.00. All welcome.
Sunday 2 March: Holy Communion, 11.00 am, with choir.
Sunday 9 March: Holy Communion 11.00 am.
Saturday 15 March: Church Lent clean, 10.00 am – 12.30 pm
Sunday 16 March: Holy Communion 11.00 am, with choir.
Friday 21 March: Spring Concert by Rhos Keur male voice choir to raise funds for the bells, from 7.00 pm. See poster and Church website for details.
Saturday 22 March: ‘Preparing for your marriage day’ 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Sunday 23 March: Holy Communion 11.00 am, followed by Annual Parochial Church Meeting and lunch.
Sunday 23 March: Evensong, 6.00 pm.
Sunday 30 March: Mothering Sunday Service, with flowers for all mothers. 11.00 am.
There will be a short service of Morning Prayer every Tuesday at 9.00 am.
The Church is open for private prayer every day, including weekends.
Please note that full details of online services and other events are on our website
Ladock Church is also on Facebook.
Coffee Mornings in the Hall
The next coffee morning of 2025 will take place on Saturday March 1st. Coffee, cake and chat at Ladock Community Hall 10-12. A time when we can all get together. Offers of help, cooking, hosting and furniture moving are always most welcome.
Church Lent Clean
We will be spring cleaning the inside of the Church in readiness for Mothering Sunday and Easter on Saturday 15 March from 10.00 – 12.30. Please do come and lend a hand, bringing any cleaning equipment you have. Pasties will be served at 12.30. Call or email Joe Sharp to indicate availability and to place your order (details below).
Contact Details
Rev’d Caroline Husband Rev’d Linda Whetter
01726 337730 01872 530265
Email: Email:
Jeremy Sharp (Churchwarden) Shirley Soper (Safeguarding)
07816 317180 01726 882697
Email: Email: