Ladock News February 2025 - messages from Revd Caroline Husband and Jeremy Sharp

Ladock News, February 2025


A Message from Reverend Caroline


Dear Readers,

We are now in the 'in between time' of Christmas and Easter -had you already forgotten Christmas? The earliest that I've heard that Easter eggs were on display was Boxing Day! It often seems that we have to rush from one season into the next with no space to pause in between. Life can often feel like this, with demands being made upon us and then other stuff just comes tumbling on top of it all. All this can be incredibly overwhelming and leave us paralysed in the moment as we struggle to come up for air and take stock of all that is going on. As a Christian, I look to Jesus and the Bible for inspiration when I am feeling overwhelmed. I recall that Jesus used to take time out from time with his family and friends, time out from the busy engagements he had, and would withdraw to somewhere quiet, somewhere he could raise his eyes and look towards the horizon and as he did so would meditate and perhaps ponder over the things he was wrestling with.

There are many great examples in the Bible about the practice of wrestling with the things that threaten to overwhelm us. We are encouraged to imitate Christ (Jesus) to withdraw, to spend time with God (our Father in Heaven) and to share what is on our mind and our heart. In the Church calendar from Sunday to Sunday we are encouraged to re-read the stories of Jesus' life as we find them in the Gospels, our key Gospel for this year is Luke. You can find Luke's Gospel online or if you'd prefer a paper copy and would like to withdraw to a quiet space, come into your local church and read from a Bible there. If you'd like to talk with someone about it, give me a call. An ancient prayer that Jesus would have used begins like this...I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121.) This is a good mantra to use by combining it with the in and the out breath

Grace and peace, Reverend Caroline


Our planned services and other events in February are:

Saturday 1 February: Coffee morning in Ladock Community Hall, 10.00 – 12.00. All welcome.

Sunday 2 February: Holy Communion, 11.00 am, with choir.

Sunday 9 February: Holy Communion 11.00 am.

Sunday 16 February: Holy Communion 11.00 am, with choir.

Sunday 23 February: Holy Communion 11.00 am, with Sunday Club.

Sunday 23 February: Evensong, 6.00 pm


There will be a short service of Morning Prayer every Tuesday at 9.00 am.


The Church is open for private prayer every day, including weekends.


Please note that full details of online services and other events are on our website

Ladock Church is also on Facebook.


The Christmas Tree Festival

Many thanks to Jo and Sue, as well as everyone else who contributed to the Christmas Tree Festival in any way. The church looked so welcoming and cheerful; the whole week was a wonderful start to the festive season. The event seems to be attracting people from all over Cornwall, so thank you also for helping to put Ladock on the map.


Photos of the Festival are now on our Facebook page and the Ladock Church website:






Coffee Mornings in the Hall

The first coffee morning of 2025 will take place on Saturday February 1st.  Coffee, cake and chat at Ladock Community Hall 10-12. A time when we can all get together. Offers of help, cooking, hosting and furniture moving are always most welcome.


Church Kneelers

Our church kneelers were created by a team of dedicated and talented volunteers, over forty years ago now: their names are recorded on the labels of each item. Sadly some of the kneelers haven’t worn as well as their creators would have hoped and rather simply discard them, a new group has been formed to repair and restore them, wherever feasible. If you are interested in helping to preserve a small part of our village’s history, please contact Sue Smith on 01726 883816 or Tuition and materials will be provided.



Ladock Church Electoral Roll

2025 is the year during which we make a new Electoral Roll at the Church. Being included on the Roll is simply a way in which you are counted as a part of our Church at Ladock.  It does not commit you taking on any responsibilities, but you do need to be on it to be able to serve on the PCC. Contrary to what some believe it does not affect our financial commitment to the Diocese.


Everyone who is on the current Electoral Roll will be contacted individually to ask if they would like to re-join, but if you would like to be included on the new Roll for the first time or have any questions, please contact Barbara Holt 01726 884248 or by 9 February. Application forms will be available in the Church during February.


Contact Details

Rev’d Caroline Husband                                            Rev’d Linda Whetter                                

01726 337730                                                             01872 530265                                          

Email:                             Email:               


Jeremy Sharp (Churchwarden)                              Shirley Soper (Safeguarding)

07816 317180                                                        01726 882697

Email:        Email:





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