The Next Sunday Club is on Sunday, February 23rd at 11am.
January 2024
Our first Sunday Club of the New Year:
Chris celebrated Candlemas with the children. She told the story of the Presentation of Jesus at the temple. Simeon and Anna recognised him as their Lord. “The light of the world” candles are lit during church services to remind Christians of this. We decorated jars and shells to use as candle holders.
Chris led the Sunday Club today: 'We made mobiles, which told the story of Lent to Easter. We talked about Jesus in the wilderness and the Forty days of Lent, which ends at Easter Day.'
The children also helped to set up and take part in the service. They put the hymn numbers on the hymn boards, lit the candles and helped Chris set up the Sunday Club activities. During the service, they read the prayers, took the Offertory and collection to the altar and George rang the communion bell.
Sunday Club on Palm Sunday
Jesus compares himself to a vine and we are the branches which bear the fruit. We need to show good fruit like " peace, love and kindness".
We drew and painted grapes to put on our vine. And ate apples and planted the pips. Chris
On Sunday the 23rd June 2024, the children took part in the daily Sunday service alongside the adult congregation.
During our Sunday Club session, the children listened to the bible story of 'Jesus calming the storm', a short discussion about the story and how the children could compare this to experiences in their lives and who they go to for help and advice.
The children cut, coloured and stuck their boats onto a heart creating a poster, with the message, ' Jesus calms the storm in my heart'. Jo
We prepared for the Christmas Tree Festival in Church making decorations.
Our theme is the Grinch! Chris.
The Next Sunday Club is on
Sunday February 23rd at 11am