Prayers for Epiphany and Ladock Feast on Sunday 5th January 2025
Gracious Lord, we offer you our thanks this morning that we have been able to come together in your great house to celebrate together The Epiphany and the Feast of Saint Ladoca as many have done before us. We ask you for forgiveness if we have erred in your eye this past week and we come today with renewed hope to do better.
As the wise men were led to worship the infant Jesus, so lead your church to know you more clearly and to do your work on earth more faithfully…… give us deeper reverence in worship, humbly to adore the mystery of the incarnation.
Draw those with authority and influence to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ….. Teach those who control the resources of the world to use them responsibly…. Turn the hearts of those who only work for their own interests and bring them to love others in the freedom of your service.
Help those who work in our local community and those with whom we work to offer their gifts and talents for the good of all…. Make us witnesses to your truth through the quiet offering of our lives.
Lod in thy Mercy----- hear our pray
God of grace, as we once again come together to celebrate the feast of St Ladoca and the dedication of this church, we praise your holy name for all who have faithfully worshipped and served you here through the years that are past, and especially those whom we would now remember in your presence…….Canon RF Wise, Sidney Caff, Bert Hammett, Peter Tickle, Michael and Margaret Cock, Pat Richards, Rev D Dixon, Geoffrey and Mary Holborow, Michael Cole, Henry Hosking and Howard Ball and any others known to us.
May the recollection of their lives and their work kindle in our hearts a sense of gratitude and strong resolve to preserve and pass on to others what we ourselves have so richly enjoyed; for the honour of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Lord in thy Mercy -- hear our Prayer
Blessed Lord as we commence another year we would ask you to guide and be with us in all that life may bring to us, our loved ones, family and friends.
We pray earnestly to you for those that are unwell and for all those who are hospitalised and the staff that care for them: the infirmed and sick who require care within the community. Thank you Lord, for the many professional and lay carers and also the many in our communities who just ‘POP IN’ because they care.
We pray for King Charles and the Princess of Wales that they along with many thousands of others may be healed as you see fit Lord.
Lod in they Mercy--- hear our prayer
Heavenly Father we give you thanks and eagerly await the arrival of The Rt Reverend David Williams the 17th Bishop of Truro. We pray that he will lead our Dioceses in honour, peace and holiness as we all grow closer to our Lord.
We offer prayers for our own clergy that they may be strengthened and fed by you Lord as they care for our churches and communities.
We especially pray that the Rev Caroline Husband and her family are welcomed into her new parishes.
Lord in thy mercy hear our pray.
Lord, our world is blighted by wars and unrest, natural disasters, horrors and tragedies.
Daily we read or see in the media of those willing to die to gain a better life in our country. We read of thousands of refugees without a home, food and water or shelter. Children and families displaced from each other. Those oppressed and imprisoned.
On our own streets, we daily hear of anger, riots and violence. Knife crime is common place. We see those that are homeless, hungry, the frightened and so many people young and old being cold and uncared for.
Compassionate Lord we earnestly pray for them all and for ourselves to have compassion and help alleviate their suffering and in whatever small way we can without being judgemental of circumstances.
Lord in they mercy- hear our prayer
Dear Father what a wonderful world you have given us to care for and enjoy.
We marvel at the minute grains of sand and the colours of rocks and stones and the power of the waves; the beauty of the pink breasted bull finch and the greedy bluetits that entertain us as they carry out their acrobatic dance whilst obtaining food. The piercing gaze of the robin who is often loyal to its human feeder.
We gasp and smile as we see our first early daffodil or snowdrop. A sign sure that winter is passing us by.
These sights are your wonderful gifts to us to care for and we humbly thank you Lord.
Lord in thy Mercy- hear our prayer
Compassionate Lord after the festivities when many have been happy and enjoying themselves. Let us cast our minds to those who find it hard to celebrate. We pray for those who are mourning. Today we especially remember those families of the Korean air crash who mourn the loss of their loved ones.
We also remember the family of Jimmy Carter, the family of Margaret Cock and any others known personal to us.
We pray for the 179 souls of those that died in Korea, the souls who drowned seeking a better life in the UK. We pray for soul of Jimmy Carter and our dear friend and sister in faith and long serving member and flower arranger of this church, Margaret Cock.
May they all rest in peace - and rise in glory.
Heavenly Father please accept these humble prayers for the sake of your dear son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen