Intercessions for Sunday, 2nd February 2025.
Thank you to Vanessa for lighting a candle for all those who lost their lives in the Holocaust.
Joseph and Mary visit the temple
Heavenly Father let us come before you to confess our failures this past week and to clear our minds and focus our being upon you alone as we travel together on our spiritual journey.
Jesus is the light of the world shine in our darkness.
Almighty God, we give you thanks for the welcome given to the Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus by Simeon in the temple. Simeon had revealed to him by the Holy spirit that he would not perish until he had seen the Lords Messiah. Simeon took baby Jesus in his arms and recognised him and praised God. Simeon then said the words that we now know as the Nunc dimittis, telling God that he could now depart his life in peace.
We give praise and thanks for the Gospel of the presentation in the temple: For the wisdom, openness and belief of Simeon, for the loving care of Mary and Joseph, and for the simplicity and innocence of the child Jesus.
We pray for the different generations of our own church today that in offering their lives in service to you and each other we may grow in mutual respect and understanding and so enrich the life of all for the sake of Jesus Christ’s Sake.
Lord in thy mercy--- hear our prayer.
We give thanks for the knowledge of our salvation, seen not with the eye of sight but of faith ….. enlighten the church to be a true temple to the glory of Christ and a witness to the world. Bring the divine light to shine on all nations…..Through Christ who took our nature fully upon him, deliver your people from all evil.
Lord in thy Mercy--- Hear our pray.
Heavenly Father, we pray for King Charles as Head of our church and Queen Camilla along with the hierarchy within the Church of England.
We pray for Linda, Caroline and Pat who faithfully minister to our needs daily and we ask Lord that you guide, feed and care for them.
We offer prayer for those who rule our country, those who are elected to represent our districts. Lord may they be guided by you into a position of honesty and openness for the best outcomes of those whom they represent.
Today we remember and pray for the many public services that keep our country running smoothly. We remember those that deal with waste products, those that keep our country clean and disease free. Those that work in the emergency sectors and those who work within the many facets of the NHS system.
We pray for those whose work is often solitary and dangerous, remembering farmers, fishermen, rail line accident investigators and rig workers. Lord, we pray that they may know your love and never feel truly alone and abandoned.
We give thanks and pray for our military forces and for the variety of work they perform
Lord in thy Mercy – hear our prayer
Compassionate Lord, our minds this past week will have and continue to be upon those caught up in the Holocaust where some 10 million died. This week we acknowledge the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of the concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz Birkenau. We pray for all those who were a number, not a name who passed through those gates, all who suffered inhumanity and all those who perished, stripped of dignity with not a shred of compassion at their death. Today Lord we pray earnestly for their souls and that they rest in peace.
Lord, we pray for the survivors and their families.
We ask Lord for the forgiveness of the perpetrators of such heinous crimes. Lord, we know that hatred in our world still exists and we pray that we may overcome it for a better future.
Lord in thy Mercy--hear our prayer
Throughout the world Father we hear of unrest and violence, extremes of weather, wars, famines and we pray for all those in need. We think of the hungry and thirsty, those who are homeless, those caught up in crime through fear, those abused with nowhere to turn, the disabled, those with special needs, the elderly, frail and confused. Lord, we ask that you show us the way, to have compassion and not shy away from our responsibilities or pass them by on the other side of the road.
Lord in thy Mercy—Hear our prayer
We thank you Lord for the laughter and fun in our lives.
We thank those involved the forthcoming production by the Ladock players who work hard to entertain us.
We pray for our community that makes up Ladock parish and may we ask you to care for them all.
In our families and friendships make us a light to lighten the lives of others… come with the healing fire of your love to cleanse all that is not right in our community, that all may know the Redeemer.
Day light grows longer now and we thank you for the beauty of the countryside with wild flowers coming into blossom and growth springing forth, a sure sign that spring is approaching. We marvel and thank you for the beauty and variety of our birds that busily feed from gardens and start collecting to build nests.
Lord in thy Mercy—Hear our pray
Heavenly Father we remember all those that are unwell, those that struggle from day to day, those that are recovering from surgery, those with longer term illness and those whose life span maybe cut short. We earnestly pray that Father you will be with them all. We take a moment to remember any known to us.
At this time, we pray Father for those throughout the world who mourn. We remember Carol and John Richards and all their families , Kate Lutey and her family and those who continue to mourn the loss of friends and family during the Holocaust.
Lord in thy Mercy—Hear our prayer
Let us pray for the souls departed this earth. Remembering Jenny Richard and Roselle Lutley.
We pray for the souls of the millions who died in the Holocaust.
May they rest in Peace and rise in Glory.
Merciful Lord accept these prayers for the sake of your dear son Jesus Christ our Lord.