Ladock Church Notices for 12 January, Baptism of Christ
This Week’s Sunday service of Holy Communion at 11.00 am will be taken by Reverend Caroline.
Calendar for the week ahead
Monday 13 January: School Assembly 2.30 pm. Bible Study Group meets at Oxturn House, 10.45 for 11.00.
Tuesday 14 January: Morning Prayer 9.00 am
Wednesday 15 January:
Thursday 16 January:
Friday 17 January: School Assembly, 2.30 pm.
Saturday 18 January: Thanksgiving service for the life of Margaret Cock and interment of ashes, 11.00 am.
Sunday 19 January: Holy Communion 11.00 am, to be taken by Reverend Caroline. The choir will be singing.
The Church is open for private prayer every day during daylight hours.
Church Duties this week
OT Reading: S Soper, Isaiah 43: 1-7
NT Reading: E Bosley, Acts 8: 14-17
Intercessions: P Dodd
Offertory: M Tickle
Margaret Cock RIP
There will be a service of thanksgiving for the life of Margaret Cock in Ladock Church at 11.00 am on Saturday 18 January, followed immediately by a private interment of ashes in the churchyard. Refreshments will be served in the Hall after the thanksgiving service, at which all will be welcome. Any donations will be split between the Alzheimer’s Society and the Ladock Bells Appeal.
Thank You
Many thanks to Jo and Sue, as well as everyone else who contributed to the Christmas Tree Festival in any way. The church looked so welcoming and cheerful; the whole week was a wonderful start to the festive season. The event seems to be attracting people from all over Cornwall, so thank you also for helping to put Ladock on the map.
Ladock Church Fete 2025
There will be a meeting in Church on Wednesday 22 January at 7.00 pm for anyone who would like to be involved with this year’s Fete, scheduled to be held in the Hall on Saturday 28 June. As you may well be aware, we have to raise £119,000 to pay for the much-needed restoration and recasting of our bells; all our fund raising efforts this year will be focused on this goal.
Any offers of help with be more than welcome, so do come along on 22 January. If you can’t make it but would like to assist in any way, please contact Carey Sharp on or 07816 316172.
Bible Study Group
Pat’s Bible Study Group will resume its weekly Monday morning sessions at Oxturn House on Monday 13 January. Coffee will be available from 10.45 am and the class will start at 11.00 am.
Reverend Caroline Husband Joe Sharp, Churchwarden
01726 337730 07816 317180
Email: Email:
Rev’d Linda Whetter Shirley Soper, Safeguarding Officer
01872 530265 01726 882697
Email: Email: