Ladock News, September 2024
Our New Priest in Charge
We are all looking forward to welcoming Reverend Caroline Husband and husband Cliff to our parish community during the autumn. Caroline is committed to her current parish in Wiltshire until the end of September but we have received a message, saying how much she is relishing the opportunity to get to know the communities in the enlarged Team, to be known as the Probus Mission Area, when she arrives in Cornwall during November. Caroline will be working closely with our much-valued existing clergy, Linda and Pat.
Our planned services and other events for September are:
1 September: Team service at Probus 11.00 am to bid farewell to Paul and his family as he moves to his new post at St Stephen and St Mewan. This will be followed by a bring and share lunch. NO SERVICE AT LADOCK
7 September: Coffee Morning in the Hall, 10.00 – 12.00
8 September: Holy Communion 11.00 am
15 September Holy Communion 11.00 am with choir
22 September: Holy Communion 11.00 am with Sunday Club
22 September: Evensong 6.00 pm
29 September: Team service at St Michael Penkevil, 10.00 am. NO SERVICE AT LADOCK
There is a short service of Morning Prayer every Tuesday at 9.00 am.
The Church is open for private prayer every day, including weekends.
Please note that full details of online services and other events are on our website, Ladock Church is also on Facebook.
Coffee Mornings in the Hall
The next coffee morning will take place on Saturday 7 September. Coffee, cake and Chat at Ladock Community Hall 10-12. A time when we can all get together. Offers of help, cooking, hosting and furniture moving are always most welcome.
Please allow us to keep in touch
We are so pleased that the Ladock News is being published still. However, if you would like to receive information direct from Ladock Church and don’t receive our weekly Notices, please contact Jeremy Sharp, using the email address or phone number below.
Contact Details
Rev’d Linda Whetter
01872 530265
Jeremy Sharp (Churchwarden) Shirley Soper (Safeguarding)
07816 317180 01726 882697
Email: Email:
David and Gail James
Few people have made such a positive impact on the community in a relatively short time but sadly for us all, shortly David and Gail James are moving from Ladock to Oxfordshire to be closer to their family.
For many newcomers, David has been the face of the village, delivering the Ladock News and for a while, the Ladock Welcome Pack. In the Church he has been treasurer, joined the choir as well as being a totally dependable and cheerful helper at concerts and other events. He also oversaw the installation of the new heating system and the introduction of the card reader, even though the last almost defeated him! In spite of her ill health, Gail has served on the Hall Committee, where her robust good sense has been much valued. She has also been one of the main drivers of the book group.
We will all miss them as good friends and colleagues. As a mark of the esteem in which they are held, David was presented with a framed collage and a gift voucher after the morning service in Church on 18 August.
The good news is that they will be returning to Cornwall at regular intervals in future. We look forward to catching up with them in due course, but meanwhile we send all good wishes and our fondest regards.
Ladock Church Sunday Club
Please join us on Sunday 22 September at 11am for arts,crafts,singing,Bible stories and more.
Children are supported to boost their confidence and public speaking skills through as much/little as they wish. Children will be encouraged to take part in the Sunday service, this involves, taking collection, ringing the bell, reading lessons and prayers etc.
For more information Please contact: Jo Morcom,
Mobile number: 07873 174923